Week 4
“Performance Vs Results”
What’s more important: a driver’s performance or the result?
When coaching young drivers one of the most important lessons is to take the focus off the result and onto what they can control – their performance. When we look at a race car driver, there are several things that cannot be controlled, such as competitor’s actions, mechanical issues and ultimately, the race results. In this course, we will focus on what we CAN control - our performance – and often, our performance will have the biggest impact on our results.
Performance vs Result:
- Proper mental mindset.
- Why do we focus on performance?
- How the brain works - input/output.
- 4 stages of learning.
- Why practice does NOT make perfect.
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Next: Week 5 “What Do You Think”
To insure you get the most out of next week’s training, please take some time to think about and answer the questions in the Performance vs Results Questionnaire. (Download the PDF file below)